Saturday, April 24, 2010

So we have our order

Alright, well...
the order of the element decks is as such: Air, Water, Fire, Earth.

I won't be posting decks right away, I actually was toying around with multiple ideas yesterday for air, and its probably just going to be another Mipedian army :(. Water is Overworld, and the others I haven't started.

I'll be posting a video probably tomorrow or Monday, as I need to help my family with some things. I'll try to post the deck later tonight.

Thanks for reading.
- Hikeda


  1. try mixxing it up so maybe a mipedian earth dek or a overworld fire danian air
    just a suggestion


  2. For Air, even though Mipedians are the masters of the element, try making a mixed Air deck. There are now quite a few good creatures outside of the Mipedians who use Air and one could make a pretty tricky and effective deck out of that.

  3. maybe use illair using ultimate warstance or somthing along that line


  4. illx shoud be good
