Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finally finished!

Alright, So I am FINALLY finished my exams and critiques and everything associated with school until, well the 4th of January!

I'm so excited. I have some interesting deck ideas I want to play around with, and these decks are going to be a bit different. One aspect of them is that they're going to be like starter decks. Decks that work ok, but have mostly commons/uncommons a few rares and say, one super.

I fell like doing one for each tribe, Not including the M'arrillians. Maybe I'll even throw together a mixed deck :P

My question to you guys, is what tribe should I show first? You can vote for your favorite, and the one with the most vote will be shown first. Oh, I forgot to mention that there will be card give-aways worked into these decks. It is the holiday season, and we won't be porting locations any time soon, so this way more people are able to get codes.

If 5 people are opposed to this idea - please post and I will consider stopping creation. All those in favor, post and vote.


  1. DUDE!!!! January 4th is my BIRTHDAY!! That is cool how that works out.

  2. lol u get like a week for xmas australia gets a month mwhahahahahahahahaha oh and happy bday on the 4th hunter

  3. hmm thats interesting hunterhawk :P
    Seems like a nice idea hikeda, I'd like hmm... compost common and uncommon... too easy, ow... hmmm... mips have the new melke... underworlders have brimflame and such... I want overworlders first! :P

  4. January Fourth is my birthday too (not kidding) and its insane how I share the same birthday with Hunter.


  5. We ported to Glacier Plains


  6. I think you know what tribe I will vote for...
