Monday, November 16, 2009

Bringin' the Burn!

Whats up!?!?
So I haven't done done a deck for everyone to see, so I though its time. And , what better way to bring back my deck builds then to revisit my roots. Underworld is the tribe that we've got today, and I'll will do what Underworld does best - burn.

1 2 3
4 5

1. Takinom The Shadowknight / Phoenix Belt
2. Zamool Lord Von Bloot's Enforcer/ Sun Chariot of Kehn-Sep
3. Chaor The Fierce / Scarab of Khilai
4. Kaal / Bronseflight
5. Kopond High Muge of the Hearth / Mipedian Balladeers' Flute
6. Nivenna / Weightless Energy Vessel

Canon of Casualty x2
Searing Symphony
Consuming Cacophony
Improvisational Melody x2

Combustion Carnage
Fire Stream
Vapor Wipeout
Incinerase x2
Aftermath Feint x2
Flying Advantage x2
Clashjet x2
Mightswing x2
Consuming Flame x2
Flame Orb x2
Fireram x2 (can be replaced/ subbed for Plasmarrow)
Magma Might

Underworld Colosseum x2
Foothold Assault Trench
Stone Pillar
The Storms x2
Lore's Chamber of Recall x2
Illusionary Lake x2

All Mugic should be played by Kopond, EXCEPT Consuming Cacophany - That is to be played by Kaal.


  1. Looks like a pretty sound deck. Why the Phoenix belt on Takinom though? Just for some extra damage? It really seems like something else could be placed there. Decent attacks, good Mugics. Seems pretty good. You may want to watch out for Battlegear destruction though, since if you lose the Scarab then your Chaor won't be able to do much if they can get rid of his fire or if they respond to Incinerase with Battlegear destruction.

  2. I like the build but its umm very pricey lol I'll never be able to make it :P

  3. There is only like 5 ultras, and 10ish supers and around 17 or so rares.... Its not THAT costly:P.
    I've made a video for chaotic tv that needs to be converted still, but it should be cool to see.

    I do acknowledge the fact that this is a costly deck. I knew that when making it. But seriously, do you expect me to do anything less when I have every Underworld card at my disposal?

    As for the tsk question. Think about it. shes going to be dealing 30+ damage on the first attack. If you see yourself going up against a xerium armor, its going to be difficult to take down. This belt will allow you to take that creature down by 20 more damage. on your first attack thus making its energy more easy to code. If you run the classic Whepcrack, you'll find that the fire 5 is often useless against that battle gear.

    This again is just my personal choices for this deck. It is a very straightforward deck IMO, just like the UW should be. None of my mugic dispell, but as soon as I get Zamool engaged, I shouldn't need to. If my opponent goes for Chaor, or Tsk, they're not going to have an easy time taking either down.

  4. pretty nice hikeda (expected) :]
    Go on with these great armies!

  5. Really good deck :D I really like the Scarab/Incinerase combo. My rate is a really good 9/10 (but still too costly for many ppl :P)
