Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Epic Najarin Battle!

So how is it going? I thought make a post and keep this blog running for anyone who reads. Last weekend when I was testing and playing with that danian infection deck I posted a while back I met up against majorsimon7. I had to forfiet in the end beacuse we (me and keekers) were going to be late for our reservations, but still I thought that this was a pretty epic matchup. Check out the Energy on Najarin, and Lore AC. this was a very epic match.


  1. No We ported to the new Fire and Stone Lava Pond

  2. Forgot to say that in the new Lava Pond Magmon put in a new Shower head :P

  3. uhh hunter beated me to it.. it's the new FAST lava pond...

    btw that's one powerfull najarin :) who won in the end?

  4. I got najarin. That was actually the shot right before he was going to get coded. You can see my Primal Smash coded him. Oh and Seeing as I don't know what this new lava pond is going to be called. Nono is the winner.

    Send me a pm on the forums dude ;)

  5. i also had an epic naj battle with awesommejinn, my maxxor pop vs his najarin. Najarin had husk armor and melody of the meek, maxxor had evergreen tunic and a lot of healing behind him. he was using heppy hails making it extremely difficult, but i had arbeid making it do 5. In the end he had 5 e and one counter left and i had 10 e, about 50 extra damage and 3 counters on intress nf. I wouldnt of been able to keep fighting if he drew another hail, and he had 2 left in his draw pile. He drew a timeslow and i won the battle and then beat his aich king to win the match

  6. very epic match! like my tabaal taking on and beating a super-charged glost!!! :D
    -Justin1238 (ruins the anonymous xD)

  7. hi whats this about porting to lava pond huh me demaster

  8. hikeda how do u make the hikeda's creations sign

  9. hi me again ya u made a kopond mat and a maaxxor but no chaor u should u say all hail chaor but u dont make one with him who is with me

  10. ya me again andrij (reihaku) ya reservations for what a date or what amanda and i went out to on the same day

  11. reihaku, sorry that didn't make a lot of sense, I don't know what your trying to say.

    Demaster, I did not make a chaor mat becuase his art isn't as awesome as others. Besides, if I really want to I'll just switch it up. I use a program called photoshop CS4 to do the banners, mats etc. Once I've made a template I like, I just switch things up constantly. All of the art that is chaotic related is NOT mine, I normally alter them from where I get them though whether it be the Chaotic portal to Perim website, or on deviant art.

  12. Wait. I get it reihaku! lol Sorry exams are frying my brain right now. Yah we went out for supper... calling it a date would be correct. Wow I take it Amanda is your g/f?

    Funny how we went out on the same day.

  13. *jumps in* Amanda is reihaku's girl friend, screen name Kittyluck, Epicness in the game, lets just say, they played 13 times and he won once in that 13 game finale :P and that was back in 08 sometime I believe...

    *jumps out of it all* :P

  14. put a link tu the deviant site.

  15. ya amanda beat reihaku every time exept 1 time u can check on youtube on reihakus channel title my gf amanda
    oh yaa
    how do u get the fire air water and earth could u post the eliments and the stat sheet on the blog
    u rock hikeda and reihaku
    mostley hikeda

  16. hi its me spark man jad ya i am the one who battled demaster to battle reihaku
    ya ikeda remember the guy that beat u in round 2 or 3 i think that was demaster9990 ya he rocks he always destroys my maxxor
    my buddy nearly got to the finals but he fgot a phone call from lebanon that made him sooo worried his grand father was on the roof and the roof rioke so he fell and brokehis back so he lefed (he dosn't like to talk about it)
    ya so shush

  17. ohh from where did u get the photoshop i didn't know from where to download it
    ohh half of it is tru slifer he fell of the roof and broke his leg too
    and he is still in pain
    ohh wait hikeda i forgot ur name an loved ur 5 tribe deck

  18. hi ya i remember demaster your deck rocked and before u left i saw ur match slifer didn't have a chance util u got the cal u forgeight he had no mugic in his hand he had najarin ff and u had barath and 2 others and u where about to end him with plasmarow until u got the call u picked up ur cards and ran away but u droped a bloot u still want it ill give it to u
    oh hikeda ur deck rocked 2

  19. ok y me again oviosly ya so according to ur vids on chaotic tv u hate chaor the feirce u think he dosn't want to be ruler but he does be went to fight the marrillians and aaune but phelphor brain washed bloot and made him verry verry strong and he took hids place soo rarran tricked chaor but chaor used 16 song of furrys until he became the feirce acording to sparkmanjad and makor salem

  20. ohh ok hikeda sorry for all my post but reihaku isn't answering what font did u use to do the mat cause i didn't find it

  21. Nono Yes I got your pm. I've been at keekers place for the last few days and didn't have my codes to give. I will be sending you one probably tonight or tommorow.

    Photoshop is a programm that you have to buy unless you find a craked version online. I don't know where to find them, I bought mine for my Macbook.

    When Chaor the Fierce came out, I felt that he was not very competitive. I Still stick that that in masters play. I have however warmed up to the guy because of the attition of new Underworlders in AU, and that Scarab Battlegear. IMO best thing for chaor in the world right now.

  22. a good pic of chaor can u make it into a mat



  23. kk just wanted to make sure you got it ... there was some sort of problem the last time I pmed you...
